Rationality Freiburg

Language selector

Meetup September 30th - Predicting the Future

Start: Friday, September 30, 2022 6:00 pm
End: Friday, September 30, 2022 8:00 pm
Location: FlexRooms, Salzstr. 1, 79098 Freiburg (Map, Coordinates: 47.99466, 7.8504)
This event on meetup.com
This event on lesswrong.com


UPDATE 29.09 We will meet in “Kursraum 1” of FlexRooms, right next to Bertholdsbrunnen in the center of Freiburg.

The room has windows to ensure proper ventilation. Masks are optional.

You are worried you have nothing to contribute? No worries! Everyone is welcome!

We will decide on using German or English as the main language depending on the people who turn up. Just come, we will figure it out!


Please do the following as preparation. If you can’t prepare, come anyway!

Optional reading:

What will we do?

We will discuss predicting the future, based on the texts above.

Afterwards we will turn to practice:

  • Make concrete personal predictions for the near future and resolve to track the results
  • Try out Metaculus and Manifold Markets

There will be snacks and drinks.

What is this about?

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