Rationality Freiburg

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ACX (Astral Codex Ten) Meetup October 14th

Start: Friday, October 14, 2022 6:00 pm
End: Friday, October 14, 2022 8:00 pm
Location: FlexRooms, Salzstr. 1, 79098 Freiburg (Map, Coordinates: 47.99466, 7.8504)
This event on meetup.com
This event on lesswrong.com


UPDATE 29.09 We will meet in “Kursraum 1” of FlexRooms, right next to Bertholdsbrunnen in the center of Freiburg.

The room has windows to ensure proper ventilation. Masks are optional.

You are worried you have nothing to contribute? No worries! Everyone is welcome!

We will decide on using German or English as the main language depending on the people who turn up. Just come, we will figure it out!

Maybe you also want to join the hike on the day after this event!


Select one or two SSC (Slate Star Codex) or ACX (Astral Codex Ten) posts that you particularly enjoy so you can give a short summary to other participants.

If you need inspiration check the SSC top posts.

What will we do?

First there will be one or several (depending on the number of people) free discussion rounds where people can present their favorite SSC/ACX posts and the discussion can flow from there.

After the discussion we will play “The Falling Drill”.

One of the most important parts of intellectual progress is learning to change your mind. The first step of changing your mind is realizing that you were wrong about something. Today we’re going to practice that often painful realization, in a small way and in a low pressure situation. Without this skill, how can you debate an important issue or confront a challenging topic? You might argue long after it’s clear to others that you’ve lost, because admitting it feels like defeat.

The first lesson any martial artist learns is often how to fall. There are ways to make the landing easier, but they all start from the knowledge that falling isn’t the worst thing in the world.

There will be snacks and drinks. After the event we will go and get dinner somewhere.


Learn more about us.

Check out the prediction market on how many people will attend: