Rationality Freiburg

Language selector

Spot the Lie

Start: Friday, May 12, 2023 6:00 pm
End: Friday, May 12, 2023 8:30 pm
Location: Haus des Engagements, Rehlingstraße 9 (inner courtyard), 79100 Freiburg (Map, Coordinates: 47.98934, 7.83945)
This event on meetup.com
This event on lesswrong.com



What will we do?

Three people will give a short (10 minute) presentation on an interesting topic of their choice. In the presentation they will hide 7 things that are false. The listeners take notes to try to detect these falsehoods.

After each presentation the players in turn explain what they think the lies were. The presenter can then convince them of the contrary. Presenters get points for making people believe lies and for making them doubt true facts. Listeners get points for identifying the lies.

The presenters will get the maximum number of points if each of their lies is identified by exactly one listener. This way the presenter has an incentive to make the lies hard but not impossible to spot.


You are worried you have nothing to contribute? No worries! Everyone is welcome!

We will decide on using German or English as the main language depending on the people who turn up. Just come, we will figure it out!

This meetup will be hosted by Omar.

There will be snacks and drinks.

We will go and get dinner after the meetup. Anyone who has time is welcome to join.


Learn more about us.


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