Rationality Freiburg

Reducing your Environmental Footprint: A Physical Perspective - Part 2

Start: Friday, October 27, 2023 6:00 pm
End: Friday, October 27, 2023 8:30 pm
Location: Haus des Engagements, Rehlingstraße 9 (inner courtyard), 79100 Freiburg (Map, Coordinates: 47.98934, 7.83945)
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This event on lesswrong.com



What will we do?

Matthias will give a talk and afterwards we will have a discussion round on the topics presented. This is part 2 out of 2. If you missed the first part you might be a little lost, but feel free to come anyway.

There are many obvious ways to reduce your environmental footprint: Eating less meat, not using planes or combustion engines, etc. You all know these, so we will not talk about them. Instead, we will explore some less obvious ideas.

If you do already all the obvious things, this talk is definitely for you. If you do not do all the obvious things, this talk might also be interesting for you because most of the things in this talk will save some of your money. Many of them without any (significant) reduction of your life quality.


You are worried you have nothing to contribute? No worries! Everyone is welcome!

We will decide on using German or English as the main language depending on the people who turn up. Just come, we will figure it out! The slides themselves will be in German, though.

This meetup will be hosted by Matthias.

There will be snacks and drinks.

We will go and get dinner after the meetup. Anyone who has time is welcome to join.


Learn more about us.

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