Rationality Freiburg

Street Epistemology

Start: Friday, June 7, 2024 6:00 pm
End: Friday, June 7, 2024 8:30 pm
Location: Veranstaltungsraum, Haus des Engagements, Rehlingstraße 9, 79100 Freiburg (Map, Coordinates: 47.98953, 7.83979)
Host(s): Omar
Type of event: discussion, exercise, presentation
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Update 09.06

This is the talk we watched during the event: Learn Street Epistemology: Assumptions | Elements | Recovery (Oslo 2018) (blue slides)


SE stands for Street Epistemology.


What will we do?

Street Epistemology is a way of applying a set of philosophy and psychology-based tools through civil conversation to help ourselves and others critically reflect on the quality of the reasoning one uses to justify their level of confidence that a claim is true.

Source: https://streetepistemology.com/faq

We will watch a talk introducing SE, try the technique out in pairs and finally discuss our thoughts, future application etc.


You are worried you have nothing to contribute? No worries! Everyone is welcome!

There always is a mix of German and English speakers and we configure the discussion rounds so that everyone feels comfortable participating. The primary language is English.

This meetup will be hosted by Omar.

There will be snacks and drinks.

We will go and get dinner after the meetup. Anyone who has time is welcome to join.

Location (Veranstaltungsraum, Haus des Engagements)

In the above map the location where you should leave your bikes is marked in blue and the entrance with a red cross.


Learn more about us.

Socrates waiting for SE discussion partners

Image generated with DALL·E.