Rationality Freiburg

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Meetup June 3rd 2022

Start: Friday, June 3, 2022 5:00 pm
End: Friday, June 3, 2022 7:00 pm

Update: Read a summary of the event.

When and where?

We will meet on Friday, June 3rd 2022 at 17:00 pm CEST (German time) at the end of the bridge in the Stadtgarten in Freiburg. Afterwards we will sit with picnic blankets somewhere in the park, so even if you are late you can try finding us. We will carry a cardboard sign saying “www.rationality-freiburg.de” . The meetup will finish at 19:00 pm CEST and we may go to get dinner afterwards.


Karlssteg, Stadtgarten, Freiburg

Karlssteg, Stadtgarten, Freiburg (source)

What will we do?

We will discuss the ten posts from the sequence Predictably Wrong of Book I: Map and Territory of “The Sequences”, a standard compendium of the Rationality community.

It would be ideal if you read this beforehand and note your thoughts and questions, but feel free to turn up even if that is not the case! We will summarize each post.

Afterwards we will play a game of personal calibration i.e. a quiz where what is most important is to accurately assess how sure you are about your answer. For example: What is the third largest country of the world by area? China or Brazil? Are you 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% or 99% sure about your answer? Getting the answer wrong and saying you are only 50% sure (i.e. you are guessing!) is better than getting it wrong while being 70% certain.

There will be snacks.

What is this about?

Rationality Freiburg is a meeting place for LessWrong or SSC readers as well as other people interested in Rationality. Rationality is the desire to see the world as it is, in particular using empirical sciences as well as the development of tools for reaching personal goals.

You are worried you have nothing to contribute? No worries! Everyone is welcome!

Feel free to just turn up, but if you want to reach out or RSVP that would be even better info@rationality-freiburg.de .

We will decide on using German or English as the main language depending on the people who turn up. Just come, we will figure it out!
